Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Body Systems, Functions, and Organs

In this activity i had to find information about the systems in the human body.I found this easy because google helped me with a lot of questions.my next step is to try add more facts.

All about the stomach (human organ)

In this activity i had to research about the stomach. I found this easy because i used google to help me with the location the size and the weight this was also fun for me. my next step is to try and write more facts.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Volcano Video

Room 13 was making a cool volcano so our teacher had a great idea to make a volcano video. it took a while to make the video.i was the cool kid doing a dance called the orange justice. I think that everyone did great on the video. when the volcano erupts lots and lots of people tasted the lava. it was so much fun.

Monday, November 18, 2019

kiwi kids news the worlds oldest cat dies

In this Activity I went on this website called kiwi kids new and me and my buddy Jessica found something sad the worlds oldest cat died it was 32 years old.