Monday, October 31, 2016

Welcome to Room 4's Solar System

In Room 4, we have been learning about the Space. We have been learning about the planets in our Solar System. We talked about the different things that are on the planets. We made a brainstorm about what our planets could look like.

This is my planet.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Adding to 10

LI: I am learning addition up to 10 by counting all of the objects

Caius: It makes it easier when we can count all of them. I want to try taking away the beans next.

The King's Shoes

LI: I am learning to look at the pictures to help me find meaning.

Caius: When I get stuck, I can sound out the word with the robot or I could look at the pictures.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

At the Park

LI: I am learning to plan my story using my picture

Caius: If I got stuck, I looked at my picture to remember what to write.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Clown Pastel Art

I am learning to create a clown face using pastels, and add another feature using a different medium.
I wrote my own sentence about who my clown is.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Beginning sounds

LI: I am learning to say the beginning sounds in words

"I can say the beginning sound in new words. 
It helps me to read new words."

Monday, May 30, 2016

Rainbow balloons

LI: I am learning to illustrate a story that I wrote using Kidpix

"I wrote about rainbow balloons and I drew a picture to match my story."

Butterfly addition

I am learning to add two numbers together up to 10.

"I like adding numbers together.
I can add two numbers together to find the answer."

Monday, May 23, 2016

Look at me

I am learning to draw a self portrait and add detail to it.

"I can add detail to my face by using different colours." Caius

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Principal's Award certificate

I got a Principal's Award today.

I am very proud of myself.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Numbers, numbers everywhere!

I am learning to…
  • recognise and write my numbers up to 20
"I can write lots of my numbers." Caius

Friday, March 11, 2016

Look at me read!

I am learning to point to each word as I read.

"I can point to the words, it's easy." Caius

Friday, March 4, 2016

I can write!

I am learning to…
  • match my picture to my story
  • use finger spacing
  • write a sentence using the words 'I' and 'can'

"I can write the words 'I' and 'can'." Caius

Look at me swim!

I am learning to…

  • get dressed and undressed by myself
  • enter and exit the pool safely
  • put my face in the water and blow bubbles
  • put my whole body under the water
  • pick up objects from the bottom of the pool
  • float on my front/back and stand up
  • have fun in the pool!

"It's fun in the pool, I can go under the water." Caius

Welcome to my Year 1 Learning Blog

This year I am in Year 1 and my teacher is 
Mrs Nelson. I am going to learn lots of new things and have lots of fun learning this year.

     I would love for you to leave a comment on my posts, 
     I love reading them!