Thursday, September 22, 2016

Adding to 10

LI: I am learning addition up to 10 by counting all of the objects

Caius: It makes it easier when we can count all of them. I want to try taking away the beans next.

The King's Shoes

LI: I am learning to look at the pictures to help me find meaning.

Caius: When I get stuck, I can sound out the word with the robot or I could look at the pictures.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

At the Park

LI: I am learning to plan my story using my picture

Caius: If I got stuck, I looked at my picture to remember what to write.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Clown Pastel Art

I am learning to create a clown face using pastels, and add another feature using a different medium.
I wrote my own sentence about who my clown is.