Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Volcano Video

Room 13 was making a cool volcano so our teacher had a great idea to make a volcano video. it took a while to make the video.i was the cool kid doing a dance called the orange justice. I think that everyone did great on the video. when the volcano erupts lots and lots of people tasted the lava. it was so much fun.

Monday, November 18, 2019

kiwi kids news the worlds oldest cat dies

In this Activity I went on this website called kiwi kids new and me and my buddy Jessica found something sad the worlds oldest cat died it was 32 years old.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Summer Art

In this Activity i had to get a piece of  big paper then get a pencil and draw a line in the middle to separate the sky and the ocean then draw a half circle for the island on what ever side you want then go paint it the island yellow the ocean purple and the sky light blue when its dry draw some summery stuff on a paper then colour it in then you have to cut it out then glue where u want it to go.

the challenging thing was cutting the pictures even though miss fisher cut it for me.

the most fun part was drawing the picture.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I.C.T scavenger Hunt

In this Activity I had to use my I.C.T skills to complete this scavenger hunt.
I copied and pasted,inserted images and formatted slides.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Teacher poem

Learning Goal: To write a rhyming poem that has a beginning,
middle and end

Success Criteria
Words that rhyme at the end of sentences
See modelling book for examples
Has a beginning, middle and end
See modelling book for examples
I gave myself the light green smiley because my rhyming words were OK but it just needed a bit more sense and a bit more good rhyming

My next step is to work more on my rhyming words and more detail

I gave myself the dark green smiley because i think that i added good begging ,middle and end

My next step is to work on more detail by including more key words.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

fantail art

1.So when Mrs Scott  the art teacher to come and help as to draw a fantastic fantail. But before we  did the fantail we had to draw a fence to put the fantail on. Then we had brown paint to colour the fence after that hard work we started to draw a fantail with Mrs Scott. After that we used die to colour the fantail light and dark brown for the body and blue for the eye  with a little bit of yellow for the beck
2.The thing that I like about this Is all the fun that I had and I love the drawing about this because I love to  draw . After we finished our  fantail we got a  light brown  piece of paper to make the branch then we had to draw  leafs and flowers
the flowers had to be blue or red I chose red because  I like the colour red
and everyone's leafs had to be green of cause.
3. this Is one of my best art this year. And favourite art this year

Friday, August 23, 2019

Rhyme poem

In this activity I had to find that rhyme with each other rhyming words are Words that sound and look the same

Friday, August 9, 2019

Pirate Diagram Ship Scale

WALT draw a scale diagram of a ship where 1cm = 1m
Success Criteria:
To be successful my pirate ship
  • Is 10cm long
  • Has a 5cm tall mast in the center of the ship
  • A 1cm plank on the end
  • A 1cm long flag on the mast
  • The bottom of the ship is 3cm below deck

I found this activity easy because I'm really good at measuring and drawing.

I can now use a ruler to create a diagram where 1cm is equal to 1m in real life. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

IALT create a monsterpedia page using an information report format

In this activity I had to make a monster and we had to write a report of our own monsters. We wrote about habitat, diet, appearance and behaviour. We had to do warnings about our monster too. I really enjoyed this activity because you get to make up your own monster.

IALT write an information report using paragraphs

For this activity I had to use paragraphs for my report about Moreporks. There was habitat, diet, behaviour and appearance. I found this medium difficulty because it was a lot of work to find out all the different facts. It wasn't really really hard because I had a buddy to work with. My next step is to write about a different topic but use the same paragraph structure.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

IAL how to visualise when I read

My miss trunchbull is so MAD & ANGRY.  she throws kids out the window & in the chokey
it a kind of cubed but sharp glass hag from the roof & nails so pointy it can cut easly .

Reading Numbers

In this activity i had to read large numbers.I can read 4 & 5 digit  numbers,sometimes even 7 digits. When i was reading the numbers it was a bit difficult to read the big numbers because it was to big to remember. but then it was easy to read.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3 digit numbers in words

I had to write numbers in words. It was easy because in my maths group I learnt all this. My next steps are to read and write 4 and 5 digit numbers. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Welcome post 2019

Hello.Welcome to my blog for 2019.this year I am in room 13 with Miss fisher I am a year 4.
I am most looking  forward to Art.My goal for this year is writing.