Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Teacher poem

Learning Goal: To write a rhyming poem that has a beginning,
middle and end

Success Criteria
Words that rhyme at the end of sentences
See modelling book for examples
Has a beginning, middle and end
See modelling book for examples
I gave myself the light green smiley because my rhyming words were OK but it just needed a bit more sense and a bit more good rhyming

My next step is to work more on my rhyming words and more detail

I gave myself the dark green smiley because i think that i added good begging ,middle and end

My next step is to work on more detail by including more key words.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

fantail art

1.So when Mrs Scott  the art teacher to come and help as to draw a fantastic fantail. But before we  did the fantail we had to draw a fence to put the fantail on. Then we had brown paint to colour the fence after that hard work we started to draw a fantail with Mrs Scott. After that we used die to colour the fantail light and dark brown for the body and blue for the eye  with a little bit of yellow for the beck
2.The thing that I like about this Is all the fun that I had and I love the drawing about this because I love to  draw . After we finished our  fantail we got a  light brown  piece of paper to make the branch then we had to draw  leafs and flowers
the flowers had to be blue or red I chose red because  I like the colour red
and everyone's leafs had to be green of cause.
3. this Is one of my best art this year. And favourite art this year