Monday, November 18, 2019

kiwi kids news the worlds oldest cat dies

In this Activity I went on this website called kiwi kids new and me and my buddy Jessica found something sad the worlds oldest cat died it was 32 years old.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Summer Art

In this Activity i had to get a piece of  big paper then get a pencil and draw a line in the middle to separate the sky and the ocean then draw a half circle for the island on what ever side you want then go paint it the island yellow the ocean purple and the sky light blue when its dry draw some summery stuff on a paper then colour it in then you have to cut it out then glue where u want it to go.

the challenging thing was cutting the pictures even though miss fisher cut it for me.

the most fun part was drawing the picture.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I.C.T scavenger Hunt

In this Activity I had to use my I.C.T skills to complete this scavenger hunt.
I copied and pasted,inserted images and formatted slides.