Monday, November 6, 2017

IAL my Basic Facts - Playing SLIDE Maths with a buddy

I am practising my basic facts on the iPad.  I like playing with my friend Jess.  It is a race to see who is faster.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Art Exhibition Art Work

We were learning to sketch flowers and plants from our school environment.
We also learnt to blend the colours for our background using paint.

We are very proud of our completed collaborative artwork for the Art Exhibition this year.
Our finished work is now on display in the newly renovated school office.
We are very proud of our work.

WALT Identify The Setting

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Celebrating Matariki at the Auckland Museum - Tå Moko

On Monday 3rd July we visited the Auckland Museum and took part in learning about Matariki - The Måori New Year.  We heard a story about Tå Moko - Måori patterns and design on the face - and we also learnt a song about this using some of our native bird names 
- Pekapeka (Bat) Kaka (Parrot), Ruru (Owl) and Kiwi.

We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed our time looking at some of the other 
exhibits on display at the museum.

Reading - I Am Learning To Read For Specific Information

Friday, May 5, 2017

IALT Choose Interesting Words To Make My Writing More Interesting

We have learnt lots of interesting facts about Pukeko.  
We used a word-bank to record our interesting words and then wrote about them.
We coloured in a Pukeko picture and used the QR Code Reading app "Quivervision" to bring our 
Pukeko pictures to life in 3D.
We were so amazed watching our Pukeko moving around and eating a worm with their long beaks.
Next time you are in our classroom come and have a look and a play.

Monday, February 27, 2017

I Am Learning How To Read Graphs And Talk About Them

(We have used the Statistics activities on Mathletics to practice what we have been learning.)

For our Maths Strand this term we have been learning all about Statistics.

We have collected different kinds of data and assembled this information onto the graphs.
Then we have made statements about the things we can see on the graphs.
The next time you visit our classroom check-out the different graphs we have made on the walls.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I Am Learning To Float

I Am Learning To Float Using A Noodle.

I know I can do this when I wrap the noodle around my body and lean back taking my feet off the ground.

This term we are learning Water Skills.  
We are learning how to get in and out of the pool and be safe around water.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Welcome to my Learning Journey 2017

This year I am in Room 9/27 and my teacher is Mrs Koroa.