Friday, May 5, 2017

IALT Choose Interesting Words To Make My Writing More Interesting

We have learnt lots of interesting facts about Pukeko.  
We used a word-bank to record our interesting words and then wrote about them.
We coloured in a Pukeko picture and used the QR Code Reading app "Quivervision" to bring our 
Pukeko pictures to life in 3D.
We were so amazed watching our Pukeko moving around and eating a worm with their long beaks.
Next time you are in our classroom come and have a look and a play.


Anonymous said...

I like story-writing. I like writing about my baby brothers. When I get stuck and can't spell a word I use a word card. I feel good and proud about my writing when I try my best.

Lisa Gray said...

Well done Caius! I'm proud that you do your best, keep it up.
Love mum

Lisa Gray said...

Well done Caius! I'm proud that you do your best, keep it up.
Love mum